- Securities and Exchange Board of India
- National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE)
- Bombay Stock Exchange Limited (BSE)
- MCX-SX Stock Exchange Limited (MCX-SX)
- Mutual Funds India
- SEBI Complaint Redressal System
- Central Depository Services (India) Limited
- National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL)
- www.stockholding.com
- https://validate.cvlindia.com
- https://www.cvlindia.com/KRA/KRA
- https://www.ckycindia.in/ckyc/index.php
- https://kra.ndml.in/kra-web/jsps/pos/KYCClientInquiry_NEW.jsp
- https://dailygongbackoffice.msefsl.com/
- https://dailygongbackoffice.msefsl.com/Focaps/Sessions/Login.cfm
- Register on SCORES portal
- Mandatory details for filing complaints on SCORES:
Name, PAN, Address, Mobile Number, Email ID - Benefits:
i. Effective communication
ii. Speedy redressal of the grievances
Sub: Displaying of information regarding SEBI Complaint Redress System (SCORES) in the website
This has reference to SEBI letter dated July 3, 2019 related to SEBI Complaint Redress System (SCORES).
In order to make the complaint redressal mechanism through SCORES more efficient, SEBI has directed all the members to display the following information on their websites:
Filing of complaints on SCORES – Easy & quick
Further, all the members are directed to include procedure for filing of complaints on SCORES and benefits for the same in the welcome kit to be given to the investors at the time of registration with them.
All the members may refer the SCORES website (link: https://scores.gov.in/scores/Welcome.html) and the FAQs available thereon for the same.
For any clarifications, members may contact the Investor Services Cell of the Exchange.